Current and Forthcoming Games
The club runs five gaming 'slots' a year January-November; some games are new adventures, some are ongoing campaigns. There is a "Slot 6" in December, which is usually ad-hoc card and board games organised by club members.
Slot 1 2025: 2nd January - 27th February
Title: Rivers of London (and maybe Dorset)
System: Rivers of London (BRP)
GM: Roger Edwards
Title: The Mutant Epoch: The Flesh Weavers
System: Outland System
GM: Chris Dieck
Slot 2 2025: 6th March - 24th April
Title: Blades in the Dark
System: Blades in the Dark
GM: David Kelly
Title: Untitled
System: Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition
GM: Charlotte Ruddick
Title: City of Mist
System: The Apocalypse
GM: Steve Ross
Title: Untitled
System: Earthdawn
GM: Andy Hawkins