Black Line
Black Line

Current and Forthcoming Games

The club runs five gaming 'slots' a year January-November; some games are new adventures, some are ongoing campaigns. There is a "Slot 6" in December, which is usually ad-hoc card and board games organised by club members.

Slot 1 2024: 4th January - 29th February

Title: A Pound of Flesh
System: Mothership v1
GM: John Harland

Title: Do Dragons Dream of Eclectic Divinity?
System: RuneQuest Glorantha (the current edition)
GM: Roger Edwards

Title: Gods of Rock!
System: DnD 5e
GM: Steve Ross

Title: Vaesen - Nordic Horror
System: Year Zero Engine
GM: Chris Hefferin

Title: Reunions, Revels and Risky Business
System: Role Playing in Glorantha
GM: Roger Edwards

Slot 2 2024: 7th March - 25th April

Title: Broken Rooms
System: Momentum System
GM: Chris Dieck

Title: Fallout
System: 2d20 Future Retro Post Apocalyptic Survival
GM: Gareth Llewellyn

Title: 50 Years Since
System: Old-School Essentials, Advanced Fantasy
GM: Roger Edwards

Title: Vanishing Point
System: Vanishing Point
GM: Andrew Hawkins

Slot 3 2024: 2nd May - 27th June

Title: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle (Season II)
System: DnD 5e
GM: Andrew Hewson

Title: Mall for one and one for Mall
System: Tales from the Loop
GM: Nicola

Title: Yellow King: Aftermath
System: Quickshock Gumshoe
GM: Rhona Munday

Title: Scum and Villainy
System: Forged in the Dark
GM: Dave Kelly

Slot 4 2024: 4th July - 29th August

Title: Hogg's saddle: The Dark Tower
System: DnD 5e
GM: Chris Bourne

Title: Judge Dredd and the Worlds of 2000AD
System: D6 dice pools with exploding 6s for luck
GM: Gareth Llewellyn

Title: Journey to the Otherworlds VI
System: Mostly Savage Worlds
GM: Charlotte Ruddick

Title: Call of Cthulu
System: Basic Roleplaying
GM: Roger Edwards

Slot 5 2024: 5th September - 28th November


Black Line

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